Some Possible Contenders For The Top Ten Fiction Books Of All Time

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Depending on the way they are ranked, the top ten fiction books can very widely. They might be judged on literary merit, sales or an editor's choice. This is ten books from all those categories which deserve space on any bookshelf.

A Tale of Two Cities: Charles Dickens is better known for works like A Christmas Carol, but this marvelous take of the French Revolution is often required reading which probably accounts for it being the best selling worldwide.

The Hobbit: Bilbo's adventures to take back the Dwarf's gold from Smaug is a great introduction to the work of Tolkien. All children enjoy this romp across Middle Earth,

Lord of the Rings: Popular across the globe this trilogy by JRR Tolkien had reached cult status long before Peter Jackson immortalized it on film. Certainly one of the best fantasies ever written.

And Then There Were None: Famous for her novels featuring the detective skills of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, Agatha Christie is loved by millions. Almost all of her work has been turned into plays or films.

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe: After reading CS Lewis' Narnia tales, many children investigate their own homes for doors to secret worlds. The recent film adaptation will no doubt encourage more young readers to this series.

The Da Vinci Code: Holding the number one place in the "Books most left on London's public transport system" in England for many months, Dan Brown's thriller is a real page-turner. It has all the elements needed for a classic in this genre.

Catcher in the Rye: This tale of angst is still popular with teenagers everywhere. JD Salinger captured emotions in 1951 which are still valid today for young people.

Black Beauty: Although she died just after publication, Anna Sewell knew her novel was a success. It is a delightful tale of a horse and the suffering it endures before finding a true home.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: The top selling series of all time has made JK Rowling a household name. Many will be very sad that the most famous young wizard has finally been 'retired'.

Discworld Series: The prolific Terry Pratchett has written over 35 stories featuring the world which travels through space on the back of 4 elephants on a giant turtle. Often cynical but always funny, this author should be in any list of top ten fiction books for his wry humor.

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